My Story
Like many counsellors I have had my own journey. I started our as a nurse working in areas such as A&E and it was through this role that I recognised that the one thing I believed would help many people that I really couldn't give, was time. Time to tell their stories. For someone to really listen to how they got here. The ways that their coping with life up and downs and had made them unwell or unhappy.
and it is through this journey and my training that I have developed my own way of working. I am proud to call myself a 'Relational' therapist, meaning that the relationship we build together is at the forefront of our work. I am honest and open and see my role as to gently challenge you, leading to a deeper reflection.
The first couple of sessions are usually about getting to know you and the issues that are pertinent in your life right now, maybe discovering a bit about your life and childhood.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.